Stability Check of the Solution

In the example case above, a second analysis of the test distribution was made to check the stability of the solution. This is a very good suggestion and is a must before you should present any data which you have analyzed. The stability check is made after a successful solution has been obtained by re-analyzing with no parameters changed except for the experimental background which the program suggests. If the answer is to be believed, the Stability Check should complete with a comparable number of iterations and determine a comparable background, volume fraction, and size distribution.

Getting the Background Close

It seems that there is a narrow thread on which the program may obtain a reasonable analysis (within 20 iterations). That thread has two adjustable parameters: error scaling and constant background. With a larger error scaling term, the exact value of the background is less important. If one is not certain of the background level (and some of the particle form models require a background different even from the experimental background), it can be very difficult to guess within the 10% or so required with an error scaling factor of unity.

An algorithm that seems to navigate that thread to an acceptable solution of a size distribution from a set of intensity data is as follows: Decide upon the aspect ratio and the largest range of dimensions that may exist in the data. Run the analysis, choosing all the data that you think will fit the model well. Specify the contrast if you know it. Increase the errors by a factor of 5.0 (or maybe 10. if conditions suggest). Take a guess at the background (the zero-order guess is zero). Let the MaxEnt routine try to solve the puzzle. If it does not converge within 20 iterations, increase the error scaling factor by double. Keep doing this until the MaxEnt routine says it has a “solution”. Good! We are not interested in this solution because the residuals probably look like a smooth, curved function. What we are trying to do is get the program to tell us what it “thinks” the background should be. Now that the program has suggested a background to us, try analyzing again with this background and a slightly decreased error scaling factor. Now we are on the “thread”. Keep bringing the error scaling factor down (I know this takes time) until you can be satisfied that the errors are well-specified or that there is some systematic reason why the model does not fit the data well. Whatever the background ends up as when you are satisfied with the error scaling factor, accept it and reanalyze the data again, leaving out any intensities that would be below that background.

The background suggested by the program is based on a statistically-weighted average of the difference between the intensity calculated from the distribution (^I) and the input intensity data(I). The exact equation looks like, where “s” are the input errors:

NewBkg = Bkg + AVERAGE( (I - ^I) / s**2 )


In ideal circumstances when the program is iterating successfully the user will observe the value of ChiSquared diminishing until it closely approaches its final target value, which is the total number of data points being used. Then in the final few iterations the entropy, which had been steadily decreasing, will be seen to increase. The residuals will become more randomly distributed with each iteration (a sign of a good fit to the data) and the size distribution will slowly converge to its final form. The program will then exit from the fitting routine. This is the behaviour observed when the program is run using the example data set.

It is quite possible for the fitting routine to fail to converge at the first attempt. If this happens the program will return to the calling routine after it has completed the maximum number of iterations specified in the input section above and display the following message:

No convergence! # iter. = "MaxIter"
File was: "InFile"

The program will then return to the input section to begin a new analysis.

There are a number of problems which can arise. Some of these are annoying bugs in the program which are gradually being sorted out. The usual symptoms of trouble are:

  1. the program suddenly suffers ‘divide’ or ‘square-root’
    execution errors
  2. it gets caught in a perpetual loop
    (Hopefully, these errors have been trapped or corrected. The bulk of them are from passing a literal variable as a parameter to a subroutine or function. The size of the argument is implied by the caller but actually specified, sometimes differently, by the called subroutine or function. The error is then, “passing the wrong size argument on the stack” which has been corrected by setting a variable, of known size, to the value of the literal and then passing the variable.)

The following remedies should be considered:

  1. take out points at either end of the data to change the program’s
    calculation trajectory
  2. change the size range or number of bins to have the same effect
  3. consider that ChiSquared is being pushed too hard so the error
    scaling can be increased and the point of tragedy is never reached
  4. adjust the constant background
  5. re-assess the DISTRIBUTION of assigned errors on the input
    data – Do they reflect the true scatter ?
  6. re-assess the particle form model with regard to the system
  7. is the scattering just too weak or noisy for a respectable program
    like this one ?

Considerations (1)-(3) should resolve matters if you have encountered one of the program bugs; if not, then (4)-(7) may apply. In most situations, time spent adjusting the flat background seems to give the best return on effort expended. However it is worth considering a few points relevant to (6) above. The basic assumption is that the scattering system comprises a DILUTE assembly of identically shaped scattering particles, all of one kind, suspended in a uniform medium or matrix. Inter-particle interferences due to close packing at high concentrations are not presently considered. (J.E. Epperson is trying to develop methods for treating these.) Such inter-particle interferences are likely to result in run-failures or fictitious size distributions. A disordered interconnecting scattering interface within the sample may also lead to spurious results. Also the aspect ratio, cannot be determined from SAS data alone: if a size distribution can be obtained with one value, then size distributions should be equally obtainable over all realistic values for a given scattering particle type. Thus both the choice of shape function and the aspect ratio should be determined from independent methods such as electron microscopy, theoretical models etc.


The most likely reason is that the quoted errors are too small to allow a close fit to the data by an algorithm that uses the ChiSquared test as its consistency criterion. This would probably be the case if, during the iterations, the user observed chi-squared asymptotically approaching a final value larger than the number of data points being used, the residuals becoming randomly distributed and the size distribution converging to a well behaved final form (that is to say, one that extends over more than one histogram bin, is not wildly oscillatory, and is small at either end of the diameter range). Should this occur, the easiest way to rectify it is to specify an error scaling factor that is greater than unity. An under-estimate of this factor is provided by the smallest value of SQRT(ChiSquared/N) ever achieved by the program. A reasonable error scaling factor would then be, say, 1.1 times this estimate. The user should note, however, that this device should not be abused; if the rescaled errors are much larger than their true values then statistically significant information from the scattering pattern is being thrown away. Any size distribution is consistent with data of infinite errors!


Another likely cause of a convergence failure is an incorrect constant background subtraction. If during the previous iterations the user observed a large spike (that was not expected or predicted) at the low diameter end of the size distribution then it is quite possible that there is a constant background remaining in the data (the program is interpreting the uniform intensity as the scattering from very small particles). Conversely, if the size distribution is unreasonably biased towards large particles then it is possible that too much background has been removed and the data is missing information about the smallest particles in the sample. In either of these cases the user should specify a different amount of background. The user is reminded that of all the input parameters, the constant background subtraction is the one that needs to be known most accurately (indeed, if this parameter is inaccurate by more than about 10% then the program will probably fail). So any length of time the user spends on a precise evaluation of the constant background is probably well spent.


From a study of the size distributions plotted during the iterations the user may be able to adjust some other input parameters in order to accelerate convergence. It might, for example, be clear that the first estimate of a maximum particle diameter was too large or too small (although if it was very far out in either direction the program would have crashed rather than simply failed to converge). And it might become clear that the size distribution can be adequately described by a histogram containing fewer bins than was originally thought. Judicious removal of some particularly doubtful data points (for example those which differ in magnitude from their neighbours by an extent far greater than their errors would suggest) is also possible, though this is unlikely to have a great effect on the convergence rate.

Precisely what to do in any particular case of convergence failure depends on experience of the program which can only be gained by experimenting with it. Prospective users, once they have analyzed the BIMODAL.SAS data set are urged to re-analyze it using different combinations of diameter range, number of histogram bins, Q-vector range, aspect ratio, error scaling, and constant background (both positive and negative) to see how these variations affect the execution of the program and the final volume fraction distributions that the program produces (if it produces any). The user should then be able to recognize when and why the program is failing in any particular fitting attempt and be able to eliminate the cause.